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About Me

About Picture

I'm Shangding Gu

Now I am a postdoc at UC Berkeley, USA, and also a guest researcher at Technical University of Munich. My research currently focuses on developing artificial intelligence methods and models, with a special interest in exploring the theory of safe reinforcement learning and motion planning, and its application in robotics, in which my goal is to enable robots to know how to learn, reason and plan, and enable robots to work in support of people (The picture on the left is from the Science website.). I support slow science. I am a student of mind, nature, and cosmos.

We organized a safe reinforcement learning workshop, the researchers and students who are interested in safe RL are welcome to join us! For details, please see the safe RL workshop's homepage.

If you are interested in the above topics, please feel free to contact me indicating your background and skills. Outside of research, I enjoy playing the guitar, reading, running, swimming and playing badminton with friends.

Email : shangding.gu[at]tum.de
Location : Berkeley, USA

My Services


As a reviewer for some journals and conferences, e.g., JMLR, IEEE TASE, IEEE TVT, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TITS, IEEE TAI, ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR, AAAI, ICRA.


I used to be the head of the supporting education department of the student union and participated in the teaching activities for nearly two years.